Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Observations of a Divorced Woman

One observation I have made over the last couple years going through my divorce is  how many of my married friends have faded away. Its like they are afraid that the divorce is contageous and so need to limit their contact. A few of my single divorced friends have also noticed this phenomenon. I find it sad though, and wish that I could change things but I think that its been so long that we no longer have anything in common anymore. Its not that I don`t like these people anymore, I just know that they have made me feel like I am just an after thought or someone to call when all the other plans have fallen through at the last minute. Not trying to assign blame, I have my part in making myself not available as well , maybe because I don`t want to hear about how happy their family life is and how great their marriages are doing. All things I don`t really have right now. I have my daughter and my folks and that is great and helps me make it through. We all make mistakes and sometimes its hard to admit to it, I would try harder to be in contact with said friends if I knew it would be well received and not dreaded.  I could go on about the subject but maybe I better save it all for my book! lol ( Which if I`m lucky I will be done writing by the spring at the earliest as i am  suffering through a bit of writer`s block) 
I am just gonna take one day at a time and one friend at a time and see if i can reconnect with those people who at one time or other in my life have been significant and truly a friend. I do truly love all my friends even the absent ones. I can only pray that time is not too lost or too late.

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